We visited the Vegas StrEATS Festival at the El Cortez Hotel on Fremont Street - every food truck in Vegas was present and there was no lacking in food choices. We'll talk about the festival in another post - for now - THE FOOD.

By some level of necessity, we chose Sloppi Jo's truck - it was... well... let's say eye-catching. They specialize in a pseudo-Mexican menu with tacos and sandwiches featuring pulled pork, chicken and beef lovingly married with Latin American-styled sauces. Unfortunately on this eve, they had run out of pork and were in the process of braising more - so we lived with our disappointment and ordered everything else on the menu. We're simple like that.

This was a daily special taco of steak with queso, onions and chimichurri sauce - 2 for $5. There was an excess of steak juices simmering on the bottom so we had some dipping sauce. The beef had a good burst of cumin goodness at first bite (I looooove cumin), and the chimichurri added some depth and bite to the affair. It was a nice combination overall. The issue? The beef was borderline rare - to the point of concerning/freaking me out (the curse of taking FoodSafe courses)... but I still ates it. And I was fine. And I regret nothing... in hindsight.

Ray went with the chicken tacos - and I'll let him fill you in:
The chicken itself was "meh", i'd much prefer La Gloria's pollo any day.
It's essentially been forgotten. I recall that messed up drink
I was holding onto at the time more than these :S
Oookay I may have let him go on the details a bit more than expected - but oh well - what's written can't be taken back right? You can't edit the internet after all. Moving right along...
Anton and I split the other special, "The Red Burger" - featuring "caramelized" onions, queso and bacon on a lightly (and perfectly!) toasted bun. As with the beef tacos, the meat here was lightly pink - enough to be concerning - but here I am, a week later, still alive and kicking. Nevertheless, it wasn't anything special and not something I'd order again.
Once again I'm going to point out that NO ONE in Las Vegas knows what caramelized onions are. Caramelized onions are sweeter than candy - these were lightly sauteed onions. Please. Everyone. Watch this Rouxbe lesson and learn.
Got it? Good.
Sorry - big point of annoyance for me.
Sloppi Jo's posts their schedule as well as their menu on their site. Follow their regular updates on Twitter (@SloppiJos).

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